BC NDP & Greens sign new deal. High winds & ferry cancelations. Saanich kid "will be back"...with a Schwarzenegger-style donation.
It's Friday the 13th
VIU chemists working to make boats less toxic to fish, seniors advocate says BC failing its oldest residents.
James Bay: Life in the fast lanes
Slower roads coming to Victoria, Island celebrity nominated for a Golden Globe, CRD looks for funding to deal with invasive deer on Mayne Island.
BC demands SD61 rework school safety plan.
Restaurants serving Xmas dinner. New local phone scam.
10-4 good buddy, the twinkling trucks are coming. Free outdoor concert. Town crier to retire.
UVic becomes Taylor-U, celebrity cat dies in Oak Bay, and more
Local MP announces resignation for health reason, suspect shot after stabbing spree in Vancouver. Humpback whale feeds on video. Saving an Island bird.
Cool Aid Society's major project all set
Sidney seaweed startup raises $4M in Series A funding, more BC Ferry sailings for Taylor Swift and Canucks weekend.