The meaning behind halloween decorations, new playground opens, boil water advisory in East Sooke
Hot-button Victoria density policy has been changed. Locals want to make solar power better.
Rebels with a cup. Victoria's spookiest, tastiest treats. New playground unveiled. New City website.
BC Hydro's fall storm predictions and award-winning Island teachers
New safe homes for Victoria, and does Pandora need an outdoor W/C?
New spaces for children and families dealing with abuse, children's clothes recalled, more cars in the road
Plus, Helijet chopper zapped by lightning lands safely in Victoria
Victoria startup selected for funding, snow warning for the Malahat and north Island
New polling looks at voting landscape. Supporting Cowichan sweater makers. UVic wins west again. Island dad wins LEGO honour.
Ferry terminal changes back in limbo. Meet the trail guardians. Truck hits bowling alley. Soccer season ends.
Plus: The best local soups & places to watch the leaves change
Plus: Pumpkin plans a plenty and a local politician has reason to smile