Father's Day in Victoria, ice baths stolen, 21 fun weekend events, drug poisoning alert
Plus, it's another (rainy) weekend with more festies
The magic of mud, Lansdowne student assaulted, 39 years of Beacon Hill Children's Farm
Plus Vic gets on a list with NYC, Seattle and Toronto
Rutledge Park ready for summer, Victoria's Jeopardy! spotlight, UVic developing vaccine for ancient virus.
Victoria company under investigation. How do you regulate a shipbreaker?
7 summer menus to try. Strange sights of empty Victoria. Lots of weekend events.
Plus: Rifflandia news and HarbourCats sports
Plus: Critics rip province's old-growth report
The connection between wildfires and trauma, a peacock walks into a bar (patio), interests rates go down
Plus: Tanker traffic to increase
BC Trial Lawyers challenge new Act, new passing distance in effect, bus route cancellations.