Municipalities must budget for costs of 911 dispatch, local food banks receive rejected US produce, The Bay to close Western Canada stores.
Food prices, fares to go up on BC Ferries; Travel from here to US is down
The best food deals in town, bus fares to rise for first time in 15 years, Saanich isn't reaching climate goals.
A homelessness strategy; and Island music hits HBO
The Empress hires first-ever woman executive chef; BC Hydro raises rates.
Pickleball saga update. St. Patrick's Day events. Sea lions & an octopus.
8 under-the-radar restaurants. Update on new terminal. Driest winter in 20+ years
New poet laureate. UVic in national hoops final. Thunderstorm risk. Possible charges for officer over crash with cyclist.
BC hits Elon where it hurts; and St. Paddy's Day options galore
Drug poisoning alerts on the Island, Victoria man wins largest Keno prize in BC.
Will X mark the spot for BC Ferries' internet connection?
Downtown cleanup needs helping hands, Turner Building demolished, Hudson's Bay could close half of stores.